Ottawa Insight – Fall 2020

Returning to "Normal"

Since March, Canadians, like the rest of the world, have been battling their way through the coronavirus.

Many employees have been working from home. People are concerned and have rightly been asking what the future is going to bring? Will they be working from home permanently? Are office buildings extinct?

Based on our experience as well as from speaking with our clients, here is Proveras’ take on the future.

The return to “normal” will entail two phases: 1) Pre-Vaccine; and 2) Post-Vaccine.

  1. Pre-Vaccine
    (which also can be defined as the period of time before people no longer have fear of catching covid-19 and if, in the unlikely event they still catch it, the likelihood of severe illness that can’t be medically controlled is extremely remote)
    We expect this Stage 1 “Pre-Vaccine” period, which is what we are currently in, to remain for approximately another 12 months. Research, testing, vaccine production and widespread vaccine distribution must take place before “normal” returns. During this period, people may come into the office but strict rules will remain place, including wearing of masks, physical distancing, 4 people max on elevators, etc.
  2. Post-Vaccine
    By this point in time (i.e., Q2-Q3 2021), the fear of covid-19 will be reduced significantly, either because of an effective vaccine or through effective medication. By this time, our research and discussions with companies indicates that not only will company executives desire that their staff return to the office, most staff themselves will also want to return! This is not to say that we will return to pre-March 2020 environments. Rather, it will be better, as our workplaces, although no longer bound to 2 metre separation rules, will nonetheless be cleaner and with fresher air circulation. We also expect that both management and staff will be comfortable allowing people to work from home 1-2 days per week on a long term basis if desired.

In summary, we aren’t out of the woods yet. However, the end is in sight, and the future looks even brighter!